Build Your Own Profitable Freelance Writing Business Weeks From Now With Virtually ZERO Competition, And Start Earning Between $50 -$125/hr Consistently!
Are you tired of writing articles that pay ridiculous rates?
Are you sick to death of spending hours glued to your computer writing hundreds of articles to make some decent money?
Do you feel as if your writing talents are wasted? Are online writing sites not all they cracked up to be? Are you a good writer and want to earn some serious money?
Dear Fellow Writers,
Imagine this: It’s 7:30am and it’s raining outside. It’s bitterly cold and traffic on the road is at a standstill. People are rushing to get to work and do the school run. It’s miserable weather and doesn’t look like its getting any better.
But, that doesn’t bother you because you are watching all of this from the comfort of your home office – computer in front of you and a nice steaming cup of coffee. You have a nice warm heater on and you thought you would get some work in before the kids get up for school. Which would you prefer?
Firstly, I am not going to bore you with a long winded sales pitch. Let me introduce myself.
My name is Arfa Saira Iqbal and I’m a commercial freelance writer who regularly charges between $50 and $125/hr by writing for local businesses. I have more than 16 years of writing experience behind me and make a comfortable living working part time from home while looking after my kids.
When I left my job as a teaching assistant to have my youngest son, I couldn’t afford the childcare and so never went back to work after I had him. That’s when I turned my attention to writing, as it was something that I was good at, and had been doing for a very long time.
I started out like most people – writing online. But, unlike the riches that I was promised, I was writing for measly amounts such as 5 cents per 100 words. I used to spend hours glued to the computer and writing until I thought my hands would drop off.
When my sister saw what was happening, she told me to...
Stop Writing For Peanuts!
I was getting to the point where I had swollen elbows, a painful shoulder and sharp pain shooting through my wrists and fingers. To put it bluntly, it was a real pain in the arm just to write properly!
When my sister suggested I work for local businesses, I was stunned. The idea had never even occurred to me! Four months and a lot of mistakes and hard work later, I had enough work to keep me going to pay the bills. I managed to land myself several long term contracts in the process and now clients refer me to others and use my services repeatedly.
When I joined the Warrior Forum, I noticed several writers complaining and griping about the same type of problems that I had once faced. Question: Why should talented writers like you be scraping the bottom of the barrel when you could EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY manage and run a successful business from home writing for the commercial business market?
So, I decided to do something about it and share my secrets. Let me introduce you to...
The Freelancing Firebird – Your Guide to Setting up a Profitable Commercial Writing Business
In this practical guide, you will discover how to:
Get started as a commercial writer
Build up your portfolio online
Create your own website which sells your services to the public
Approach local businesses
Assess the competition
Re-position yourself as an expert in marketing
Leverage other businesses and services to your advantage
Market yourself like a pro
Do online and offline consulting
Use the power of hired help to explode your profitability
Get the best leads and work for a long time to come
Work out your worth and write for more money
Organize yourself to be more productive
Bid successfully for work at online job auction sites
Easily switch careers to earn more money than you ever thought possible
And that's not all! When you order, you will get the following bonus reports:
Marketing Mayhem - a complete 4 week marketing guide designed to get you more work than you ever thought possible! This special report tells you exactly what to do, so you don't have to worry about how to start marketing yourself
Marketing Tips for Businesses - a fully customizable report which you can give away to potential clients and use as a hook to get prospects to call you!
Additional bonus material to help propel your career - simply sign up for these once you have your WSO!
I could sit here and promise you a hundred things, but know this: being successful requires two things: a desire to learn and the motivation and effort to succeed.
Hey, if a 32 year old stay at home mom of two children can do it, trust me, ANYONE can.
If you are looking for a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, then this is not for you. You can easily and comfortably earn between $30,000 and $50,000 freelancing full time. There are many writers who are very easily earning over $100,000 a year as a commercial freelance writer.
Just think of the benefits:
No more tiresome and difficult commutes to work
No more expensive childcare costs
You can work in your pyjamas
You can look after your kids yourself instead of worrying about a babysitter
You can work the hours you want to
Spend more quality time with your family
No more slaving for others and making them rich
No more writing for peanuts trying to survive
Comfortably work from home earning more than you ever thought you would
Spend less hours working and more time relaxing
Never have to stress about your whip-cracking boss
Work when you want, how you want and to your rules
Have the choice to turn down work that you don’t like
Enjoy financial freedom and complete self-sufficiency
Freelancing is perfect for stay at home mothers, for those seeking a career change, for online writers tired of the low pay and high volume of work and for those who love writing and want to make some real money out of it.
If you can write well, you can freelance. It’s as simple as that.
Most writers stick to writing online – but this will not be you! The real beauty of this guide is that you will be working in your own home town where you won’t be up against thousands of other writers. In fact, you will have virtually zero competition!
But don’t take my word for it - Just check out my rave reviews:
‘Reading through your freelancing report, I'm impressed! This has plenty of "meat" to help someone who is thinking of becoming a freelance writer to set up, get clients and charge something that can actually earn them *more* than the "chump change" some writers seem to write for.
Plus, it gives them a way of setting themselves up in such a way that there's almost *no* competition for them! Excellent.’
‘Great report! The thing I particularly liked about it, and what makes it different from the other "how to write" products is that it encourages writers to look right outside the square. There's more writing work out there than just writing for the web. I also like how pleasant it is to read - easy to understand, and full of ideas; you offer so many options where writers can earn a decent income, rather than just cents per word that seems to be the best that's on offer online.’
'Freelancing Firebird is a practical, realistic and riveting guide for writers who are serious about leveraging their skills to generate income, on a full or part-time basis. The writer knows the terrain-thus, you won't find fairy tales about how you can make a million in a few months.
She weaves her own experience into this guide, that shows you where to start, what are the resources needed...and the area to focus on to make the best of your freelancing journey.
She wrote about the high and low points of being a freelancer. As a whole, the ebook shows that you can build a six figure income based on your writing skills. If you plan, and work your plan.
I recommend it highly.’
Michael Newman Warrior Member
'I have the privilege of giving Arfasaira a review of the product “Freelancing Firebird.” Being a freelancer myself I am awed by the amount of information in this 38-page information product—information that I can’t find in any of the other products I’ve purchased about freelancing. What’s really great about “Freelancing Firebird” are the tips it gives for getting online and offline work that pays well and has very little competition. Getting work is absolutely essential for any freelancer and this info product is full of brand new information I’ve never heard of for getting clients. This section alone is worth the small cost of the product.
What is so amazing about this information product is that the bonuses included could have been sold as stand-alone products to be sold separately. The first bonus is a 30-day marketing plan to get you as many clients as you can handle. You will spend 2-3 hours a day working this intensive marketing plan but after you implement you will need to refer work to other freelancers.
The second bonus is a free 13-page report offering marketing tips to online and offline businesses. This report not only gives very good advice for any product or service-oriented business but the last page can be personalized so that your prospects will have your contact information. This well-written report can help your prospects turn into clients.
What I liked most about this product is it was written by a freelancer who has been in the trenches and wants to share her experiences with others getting started as a freelancer. If you are a newbie freelancer or one who has been in the business for awhile like I have, don’t walk--run to purchase the information and then follow the step-by-step format until you’re making the money you want as a freelancer. '
Ms Debra, Freelancer, USA.
So what are you waiting for? You can either spend the rest of your life working for pennies on the dollar and literally surviving paycheck to paycheck, or you can change your life and start getting paid what you are worth.
You can build a successful business weeks from now, even if you already have a job, and then quit when you are ready to take the plunge.
Ditch your boss and the stress of the morning commute, and like me, you can work whenever you like. It’s your business and you’re in control!
And the cost for this crazy report? Just $17! That's less than cost of a night out at the movies!!
Here’s to your writing success, Arfa
P.S Once you download your report, you have the option of lifetime free upgrades and bonuses to help further your writing career.